Dance Like No One’s Watching

There’s nothing like cranking out a great tune and singing at the top of your lungs in the car or in the shower, or getting your best groove on to your favourite song when no one is home.  You look and sound amazing right?  I think I do…when I’m alone that is 😉  Chances are, you do look and sound great because you let go and bring out your song and dance from the most carefree place inside of you.  But what happens when you pull up to that red light with your window down, or your family walks in the door mid shimmy….we’ve all been there!  That song probably gets stuck in your throat and your shimmy begins to turn inward.  Why?  Why are we so afraid to just let go and be who we are?

Last weekend, I had a new experience that challenged me to be exactly who I am.

I was a dancer my whole life and then one day I just stopped.  A very special person in my life recently gave me the little nudge I needed to explore that passion again.  So, I’ve been dropping in on the traditional classes like hip hop and ballet and finding joy through every pirouette and running man (just dating myself a bit).  As if dancing again after 10 years was not enough to get me out of my comfort zone, I took it a step further.

I recently met a beautiful soul at a gathering of like-minded individuals.  Her name is Pollyanna Blanco.  She is an educator of The Arts in high school, a writer, a teacher for mindfulness and a gifted dancer.  She sent out an email about a dance class that she would be leading.  It piqued my interest and I briefly considered it, but I didn’t commit.  Then, a friend of mine, who had received the same email, reached out and asked if I would like to go to this class.  Nudge, nudge, nudge.  In fear of bruising from anymore nudges, I agreed to go.  The name of the dance class is Chakradance™.  Now, I am not new to the idea of chakras – the energy centers in our body, but I had not incorporated dance into the process of opening and balancing these chakras before.

As I arrived to the class, I really didn’t know what to expect.  I thought perhaps it would be like most of my other dance classes in a big room, but maybe just a little more free-flowing.  Free-flowing, it was!  I’m going to be honest; in the first five minutes of being there I wanted to run out of the room.  In the process of this class, we were asked to allow our bodies to move to each of the tracks that resonated with our 7 main chakras.  No choreography, no step by step instructions.  What?  How was I going to achieve perfection without this structure?  What I learned was that the perfection was within the imperfections.

I was convinced that this would be the most awkward and uncomfortable hour and a half of my life…until it wasn’t.  I had a little talk with myself and decided to be open to the process.  When I let go….WOW!  This process was transformative.  I allowed every movement to express itself freely and openly and without judgement.  I danced like no one was watching.  I truly felt a healing that day and in the days that followed.

After this class, I excitedly purchased Pollyanna’s book, “In Rhythm With Your Soul” (  As I continue on my journey of self-exploration, I am so excited to incorporate dance as another aspect of healing and growth.  The words in this book have already encouraged me to get even more out of my comfort zone and in-tune with who I really am.

Who knows, I might just be the free-spirit who rolls up next to you at the red light, singing and dancing her heart out.  Why not get out of your own comfort zone and join in?            Chakras

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