Meditation Jars

Meditation Jars are a great tool for teaching children and youth, in an exciting way, how their thoughts, feelings, projections and emotions manifest in their mind. Once observed, young minds can understand the importance of implementing meditation into their lives.

Good Vibrations

Where Science Meets Spirituality: A Lesson On The Properties Of Sound With Tibetan Singing Bowls What They Think… Students know that it’s Science time and that they are learning all about SOUND! – its’ vibrations, resonance, the cavity, pitch, volume, and now they get to partake in one more cool experiment that demonstrates these elements.  They get… Continue reading Good Vibrations

How Full Is YOUR Bucket?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text tooltip_color=”color1″ tooltip_text_color=”color3″] A Lesson On How To Keep Your Emotional Bucket FULL What They Think… Students love participating in the ‘bucket’ activity because they have a tangible way of tracking their personal success and achievement with character building, while also gaining a gentle reminder of where they could make alterations in their lives.  They… Continue reading How Full Is YOUR Bucket?